Boris Vargovic Fine Art Photography - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
As a professional, besides selling my art on the web, I am available to consult or work with you on any projects involving photography of nature, urban areas, private property, interiors or exteriors, real estate properties, tourist locations or buildings, national parks, gardens, etc., regardless of what part of the world it is located in.
Together with my team I am also available for larger scale photo projects, such as thematic photography of cities, counties, regions, even entire countries through all four seasons, which entails landscape, cityscape, aerial photography, night photography and videography for the purpose of creating catalogues, tourist brochures, monographies, and web pages, photo archives and many other purposes. Along with professional photography services, I also do graphic design, professional photo editing and multiple large photo printing services, therefore potential customers can count on a complete range of professional services if needed. I take all the pictures, I do the video recording and graphic design exclusively on my own, with support work being done by my assistants, who are part of my team.
I can be hired for the starting fee of $650 per day ( tax / VAT not included ), plus expenses, prior reservations necessary to ensure we are available at the requested time before signing the final agreement or contract for larger projects. For all inquiries please click on contact information, I will respond in a timely manner. In 2016 my mobile pro photo studio will also become available. It will enable me to offer studio photography to clients regardless of what part of the world they are located in.
It is not hard for a professional photographer who cares about his criteria and reputation, to sleep under the stars in the wilderness waiting for the right conditions, or to drive an extra mile or climb the tallest tree to reach that perfect angle, or even fly planes of questionable integrity in order to get that great photo. To a consistent professional the most important thing is to "reach one's goal and in it display all available creativity, regardless of the effort, risk, persistence and cost, in order to create what is simply called a photograph." There is no formula that can replace experience or observation techniques that have been developed through decades. You cannot learn them in a course or buy them at a store. FOR EXPERIENCE THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION.
All landscape photographs, Limited and Exclusive Edition prints are exclusive property and may not be copied or reproduced, transmitted, manipulated or used in any way without written permission of the photographer.
Photography of weddings, birthdays, celebrations or similar events are not a part of the services I offer.